Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Only "Wealth" is "Health"

 Today, I ponder on the subject of "wealth". In our world "wealth" is always alluded towards the idea of "money" and or things...which is an illusion. This ridiculous idea is fed to "humanity" at birth. "Money" has only led to death and destruction. It is and have always been a tool for the power to control...

"Humans" are the only species that seem to think that "money" is a necessity. If "money" was necessary, it would have existed from the beginning. It is my thought that it was invented by "someone" that sought to manipulate and control. The sad thing about all of this worked. "People" kill, steal and destroy for it. The idea of it has led to the downfall of "humanity". That in itself is a tragedy. 

Now, I want to go a little deeper with the idea of "money" is a necessity... The basic things of life require that you have "money"...Is that a definable truth? My thought on this is yes and no...Yes, because even the basic things that are now needed is not always freely accessible. It would seem that those basic things are under lock and key...metaphorically speaking. In all honesty...most have no clue to what "real" food is...And when I say "real"...I mean food that provides "real" nutritional value. Yes, I thought I'd better underline that word value... Which leads me to the title of this post...The only "wealth" is your "health".

"Health" is "Wealth"... which can only be obtained that have nutritional value. I am sorry to say we do not have that...due to the demineralization of the food that we have access to. Most of us...if not all most likely have mineral(s) deficiencies...This not only affect our "mind" "health"...but also our physical "health"...which is one. We are not divided "beings". We are whole beings...and it all work together... Not being "healthy" has led to the downfall of "humanity". Nothing can replace that... absolutely nothing... My question to you is... what do you value? Do you value "money" or your "health"? If you value "money"... You might say that you value "money" because it can buy you "health"... Even, the things that you buy to try and achieve "health"...may not be what you are told it is...Which goes back to what I said before...about "money" being a tool...that has caused nothing but problems. "Health" is a basic right..."Minerals"... Food with minerals are a basic right...That is "Wealth". 

This is all I have to will most likely post a continuation of this... I encourage all of us to do a deep dive about this subject... And be better "human beings".


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Knowing Who You/We Are

 Do you know who/we you are? It is my estimation most of us don't... We have been so far removed from ourselves (natural state) we don't have a clue. Programmed since self destruct...You are/we are the "land"...which most call dirt...the "minerals/metals"...the "ocean/sea"...the "moon"...the "stars"...the "sun"...every aspect of all we are within...This includes every "natural" thing that is within...Is your "light/sun" on?

Edited: The programming started in the womb...through programming of the mother. "Our "existence should be like that of a baby in the womb...without any unnatural influence... 

Addendum: Knowing Who You/We Are:

We are the land that came out of the sea/ocean... The ocean/us runs through the us/land... You still don't know who you are?

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Destroyers

 When will entities that are called "human beings" wake up and realize that we are the destroyers? Sadly, we were bred to be destroyers of our own existence and of other species. Noone is born a destroyer. Everyone seems to be raised to become a destroyer of self. Who is self and other entities? Look at yourself and all around and above you and below you, past the artificial...This is indeed self. 

I often read comments of people on different medias that state things such as, utilizing resources. I am talking about promoting this despicable action that we or most are guilty of.  All the sustainable resources that people need comes by way of plants...only to be consumed orally. It amazes me how ignorant we are to that simple fact. Any other form of "resources" in the minds of people comes by way of destruction. But how can this be true? It is a very simple that seems to be avoided at all costs...Literally, at all costs. 

My opinion...which by the way is all that I am writing. No other creature here...destroys self... "Animals", nor "plants destroy self"...that I know of...please correct me if I am wrong. When the first "human" dug into the earth/land most likely out of curiosity...the destruction began...and have continued. This indeed was the fall of "human". And sadly to say...this finally became my reality. 

We have destroyed food sources for every creature by killing trees and build...And in our narrow way of thinking we believe that continuing to do this is going to save the earth. How continuing destruction is going to save anything? That does not make any sense...It seems to me that most people do not even realize what it really cost for them to have a cell phone... This is indeed sad. I was one of those people. A readjustment needs to take place...sort of a decompression...Yes, the air needs to be let out of people brains...And then people need to be introduced to their real environment. I know that this is easier said than done...but not impossible. The same way this mess was started is the same way it has to be corrected...very slowly. 

We all need to take responsibility for actions...And in order for that to happen...we must open our eyes to the truth of what is really happening. Look at the whole picture...and see the mess we all have made...through ignorance. There is no room for being proud. And we cannot continue being ignorant. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Tree We Must Be

 From the land and the sea we become a tree. The beauty that beholds us and all that we must be. Never forgetting whence we come...beholding the light that shimmers brightness and sparkles from the sky to the sea/see. Can you not sea/see who we must be? Can you not sea/see who we must be? Arise to the light that shineth bright with all your might ole mighty tree. Reach deep within your being and stand up to be free...You are the tree...that is free. Illusions? What illusions? You are the tree...that is free.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Continuation of My Thoughts on Hashimoto and Graves Disease

Hi ya'll. Today, I am back again to discuss my thoughts on Hashimoto and Graves Disease. Again, these are only my thoughts and I am not giving any medical advice...I am only sharing my thoughts in hope that this will cause others to think and we will try to help ourselves in ridding our bodies of these horrible diseases.

 As I said before..I feel that the hormonal imbalances in our body are triggered by our intake of food and/or our environmental exposures. These things can also lead to inflammation in the body...and or hormonal imbalance...I do feel that excessive inflammation in the body can cause the immune system to go haywire...leading it to attack the cell tissues...such as the tissue of the thyroid... Interesting enough...this seems to cause the thyroid to either overreact or underact. Iodine is a micro nutrient that apparently have a huge impact on the thyroid... So, this is also another cause for thyroid issues. Iodine deficiency can cause a under active thyroid and too much iodine can cause a over active thyroid... This takes us back to our diet...lack of vital nutrients.

Below, you will find some links that may also assist you in your research for answers.

Here is a link for Hashimoto Disease Notice in this article it says Hashimotos appears in teen and young women. It more often appears in women between the age of 40 and 60. And it is 8 times more common in women than men.

Here is a link for Graves Disease...

You can test your iodine level at home by doing a patch test on your skin...if you are is a link

I do hope this is your search about these diseases.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Thoughts About Hasimoto and Graves Disease

I started this blog over a year ago, but have not really blogged much at all... And I am not really sure why. However, with the chaos of a certain "virus" that has arisen...I think I should talk about the Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases... Before, I go into this topic...I must put a disclaimer out there...I am only sharing my thoughts...This is not a scientific study...and I am not a medical doctor...

Most likely, many of us have pondered how and why our immune system attack itself... I definitely have pondered this...many times... Throughout my pondering I came up with hormonal imbalance... What else can it be? Again, I must reiterate...these are just my thoughts...on my situation. 

As ya'll probably know...those diseases seems to affect women the most... I feel that women are the most likely to have hormonal dysfunctions. Throughout my research of these horrible diseases that plague people...I have noticed that quite frequently, the women that they affect are usually pregnant or post partum, menopausal or postmenopausal. I was menopausal and post menopausal...when Grave Disease plagued me. 

I can remember this as if it was yesterday... It hit me like a ton of bricks...and it changed my life forever. I remember having insomnia, losing my libido...and starting to get chin hairs...I figured at that time...I must be starting menopause...But the symptoms didn't just stop there...Over the months to come, I began to experience more severe symptoms...which was very puzzling to me...Also, interesting enough some of the symptoms for menopause also mimics the symptoms for Grave Disease...

My thoughts on my experience are...menopause threw my body into an unbalanced state...and this is what led my immune system to attack my thyroid gland...and the effect was an over reacting thyroid... Homeostasis is so important to the well being of our entire existence. I personally feel that when there is a disruption in that can lead to dis-ease in the body... And no everyone don't experience the same things...Some of us experience more of a harsh reaction... Why??? That is in my opinion the million dollars question. 

When you research autoimmune will notice that the results you will most likely find is... they don't know what causes autoimmune disease... However, during my ponder...I have come to believe that these dis-eases are a result of hormonal imbalances... We have many hormones in our body which is comprised of the endocrine system... Those hormones work together to create harmony in our bodies...and when one is off...then it can have a domino affect. I believe the issue is our intake and our environment...with the latter also being intake...Our body is missing key nutrients...and or it has too much of key ingredient(s). 

At this moment I want to summarize my entire experience with the horrible Grave's Disease... I began menopause,  which caused a hormonal imbalance which led to Grave's Disease, which led to me (being urged by my endocrinologist) to radiate my thyroid... Also, I want to note that I did go into remission for approximately 3 years...So, I feel that at some point there was a shift...or my body made adjustments for the changes that were taking place...or I received some much needed nutrients...or my body expelled the overage of a nutrient... But then there was another shift in my hormone when I was post menopausal...And then Graves Disease hit me again... And right now...all I can think of is...if only I was in tune with my own body...this could have been all avoided... Again, these are my thoughts....

Now, getting to the reason  why I chose to blog about this...It is my understanding that having and autoimmune disease...can be a serious issue...if one contract that dreadful "virus"... I think it would be because of the possible response of the immune system. The immune system can over react...that can cause a serious issue... I am just sharing what I have heard several doctors say... What can people with auto immune diseases do? We need to work on fixing our bodies... It is my thought...finding out what is causing the shift in our hormones...which leads to our body being in an unbalanced state. What are we taking in and or what are we missing...I urge you all that are dealing with any type of auto immune disease to try and connect with your body...if you haven't... Listen to your body... We need to help our body to heal... Why would our body attack itself??? There is always an answer...if we seek it... 

I hope this blog post is not all over the place...and I hope that we all will do our finding good health and healing...Thanks so much for stopping by.

Well Wishes!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day!!

Hello blogging world. Yeah, it has been over a year since I posted. Since today is a day that have been designated Earth Day, I had some thoughts that I wanted to share. So, here I am. And just to be clear, it is my opinion that every day is Mother Earth Day.

With everything that is going on in our space would seem that more of us would do some reflecting...self reflection and reflection on our environment... Well, I have... And it is my opinion that we have completely left our natural being. If our environment...our space is natural...then how do we leave that? This had to occurred over time...Do you feel natural? Do you feel like you came from the earth... Or do your space feel foreign to you? Mother Earth did not leave us...we left her... Yes, we left her... And I do mean us as a people...

Today, I was also thinking about how we as a whole judge our space. For instance we see the night as in something evil and bad... And the day light as something good. You know...good and evil... Well, it is my opinion that this is preposterous...yes preposterous. How can a time of rest and rejuvenation be a time of evil... That is absolutely impossible. No one can do anything evil at night without the help of artificial lighting... Humans can not see without some form of lighting... Many children are afraid of the dark... And that's because of the lies that have been tied to a period of time of rest also other contributing factors.... This is just one example of us leaving our state natural being. Dark and light is a balance. They balance each other... Just as positive and negative balance each other.

How, do we return back to our natural state of being? I really don't have an answer to that...Do you? However, I would suggest that we try and reconnect back to Mother Earth during this "lock down"...let that be our starting point...

I could go on and on...Hopefully someone will get what I am trying to say... I do hope that this will leave someone with the desire to go deeper within yourself.

Have a wonderful and peaceful day!!!

Disclaimer: This only applies to the people that can relate.

The Only "Wealth" is "Health"

 Today, I ponder on the subject of "wealth". In our world "wealth" is always alluded towards the idea of "money&quo...