Monday, June 15, 2020

Continuation of My Thoughts on Hashimoto and Graves Disease

Hi ya'll. Today, I am back again to discuss my thoughts on Hashimoto and Graves Disease. Again, these are only my thoughts and I am not giving any medical advice...I am only sharing my thoughts in hope that this will cause others to think and we will try to help ourselves in ridding our bodies of these horrible diseases.

 As I said before..I feel that the hormonal imbalances in our body are triggered by our intake of food and/or our environmental exposures. These things can also lead to inflammation in the body...and or hormonal imbalance...I do feel that excessive inflammation in the body can cause the immune system to go haywire...leading it to attack the cell tissues...such as the tissue of the thyroid... Interesting enough...this seems to cause the thyroid to either overreact or underact. Iodine is a micro nutrient that apparently have a huge impact on the thyroid... So, this is also another cause for thyroid issues. Iodine deficiency can cause a under active thyroid and too much iodine can cause a over active thyroid... This takes us back to our diet...lack of vital nutrients.

Below, you will find some links that may also assist you in your research for answers.

Here is a link for Hashimoto Disease Notice in this article it says Hashimotos appears in teen and young women. It more often appears in women between the age of 40 and 60. And it is 8 times more common in women than men.

Here is a link for Graves Disease...

You can test your iodine level at home by doing a patch test on your skin...if you are is a link

I do hope this is your search about these diseases.


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