Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Only "Wealth" is "Health"

 Today, I ponder on the subject of "wealth". In our world "wealth" is always alluded towards the idea of "money" and or things...which is an illusion. This ridiculous idea is fed to "humanity" at birth. "Money" has only led to death and destruction. It is and have always been a tool for the power to control...

"Humans" are the only species that seem to think that "money" is a necessity. If "money" was necessary, it would have existed from the beginning. It is my thought that it was invented by "someone" that sought to manipulate and control. The sad thing about all of this worked. "People" kill, steal and destroy for it. The idea of it has led to the downfall of "humanity". That in itself is a tragedy. 

Now, I want to go a little deeper with the idea of "money" is a necessity... The basic things of life require that you have "money"...Is that a definable truth? My thought on this is yes and no...Yes, because even the basic things that are now needed is not always freely accessible. It would seem that those basic things are under lock and key...metaphorically speaking. In all honesty...most have no clue to what "real" food is...And when I say "real"...I mean food that provides "real" nutritional value. Yes, I thought I'd better underline that word value... Which leads me to the title of this post...The only "wealth" is your "health".

"Health" is "Wealth"... which can only be obtained that have nutritional value. I am sorry to say we do not have that...due to the demineralization of the food that we have access to. Most of us...if not all most likely have mineral(s) deficiencies...This not only affect our "mind" "health"...but also our physical "health"...which is one. We are not divided "beings". We are whole beings...and it all work together... Not being "healthy" has led to the downfall of "humanity". Nothing can replace that... absolutely nothing... My question to you is... what do you value? Do you value "money" or your "health"? If you value "money"... You might say that you value "money" because it can buy you "health"... Even, the things that you buy to try and achieve "health"...may not be what you are told it is...Which goes back to what I said before...about "money" being a tool...that has caused nothing but problems. "Health" is a basic right..."Minerals"... Food with minerals are a basic right...That is "Wealth". 

This is all I have to will most likely post a continuation of this... I encourage all of us to do a deep dive about this subject... And be better "human beings".


The Only "Wealth" is "Health"

 Today, I ponder on the subject of "wealth". In our world "wealth" is always alluded towards the idea of "money&quo...